On Sunday, January 10th, one of our texts for worship will be Mark 1:4-11, the story of Jesus’ baptism. The following Wednesday, January 13th, our Wednesday night Prayer and Bible Study time (on Zoom) will focus on the theme of baptism. Baptism marks a new beginning, a new commitment to follow Jesus. As we begin this new year, may we spend some time reflecting on how we will follow Jesus in this new year. Remember your baptism…

On Wednesday, January 13th, join us on Zoom from 6:30 -7:30 pm. We will begin with sharing prayer concerns and celebrations as we typically do on Wednesday nights. Then, participants will be invited to share your own baptism story. When and where were you baptized? What do you remember about the experience? How did you decide to be baptized? Hearing one another’s baptism stories will be a meaningful way to share our faith journeys with one another.